Sunday, June 6, 2010

Focus and Faith

Time flies....when you lose focus. 

My goal was to write a daily entry on this blog and I have let many days slip by without an entry.  Not good.  However the guilt engine is not going to take over here. 

In Isaiah 26:8 it reads "O Lord, we love to do your will!  Our hearts desire is to glorify your name."  (NLT)

The minute the guilt machine turns on....."doing his will" turns in to something he did not intend.  It turns a "I want to do something" into a "I have to do something" and that is not of God's will.  I truly believe God wants us to be an instrument of his love and grace.  We know instruments come in all forms and their melody can sound very different.  How is that for an analogy? 

Getting back to my topic of focus.  Rather than guilting myself in to a daily writing which does not embody grace and love, I would rather align my goal with God's love.  I will continue to write and trust that God will help me find the time and the topic.  God's timing is usually different than our and I am an eager learner (most of the time).
My focus for this blog has also shifted.  In my initial goal setting, the idea of frequency and timing clouded the bigger picture here....writing to share my faith experience, writing to share what God is doing in my life.

I hope that you will join me in thinking about the Love, Grace and Patience of God.  What is he calling you to look at today?

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