Thursday, June 10, 2010


Recently I decided to start doing crochet again.  My family has told me it ages me...something an older person would do.  While I know it's not a trendy thing to do, I have found it helps me tap in to another part of my brain.  If I spend about 20 minutes playing with yarn, my mind empties of much of the stress and noise and I evolve in to a new place. 
Reading scripture can also have this type of impact on my disposition.  When I read certain passages and I really try to picture myself in the setting that I am reading about, my world and my view transform.  Here is a perfect example of a transforming verse:
"I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." —John 10:10

Live life more abundantly.  What does this mean to you?  Am I living more abundant?  Or am I caught on the scarcity treadmill?  Chasing time?  Day in and day out?  Most of us are anxious, stressed out and over scheduled right now.   When did squeezing more in to every waking hour become the norm?
As I think about all of the knots I tie together and the lives we weave, do we really stop to ensure we are living in abundance?
This begins with a change in mindset.  What would happen if you woke up tomorrow and decided you have more than enough time to get everything done that serves your ultimate purpose?  Will you join me and write this verse on a card and look at every morning for the next week?

Let's give abundance a try.....I have more than enough time to get everything done that serves my ultimate purpose.

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