Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 2 - The Teacher Emerges

I can tell this is going to be an incredible journey the next 364 days. I decided to begin yesterday and the most interesting thing happened.

Let me back up for a moment. There is a popular saying that goes something like this; when the student is ready, the teacher emerges. Have you heard this? Felt this? Yesterday after I officially began this journey - it happened to me...on a couple of levels.

Initially I began to reflect on what I had learned yesterday and I asked myself what was motivating me to do this? I had many answers.....I want to learn, I want to share, blogging about my faith journey is a way to keep me accountable and I love to write. I know this will be meaningful to me and blogging is a way to give the experience life. If this doesn't make sense right now....I think it will. Let's give it time.

Now regarding the statement that I started with - when you are ready to learn, the teacher emerges....last night I had the most unusual experience. My son recently returned from college and a friend of his stopped by last night. He came in and asked me if I had a bible. Now I have been asked many things by my son's friends - they are all part of my family - but I had never been asked this question. My heart jumped for have come to the right place. I think I own somewhere between 6 - 12 bibles. Pick a translation and I am sure I have it.

I found this young man a bible....he had just heard a scripture recommendation on the radio and he wanted to look it up immediately. It was Proverbs 15:13 - A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit. (NIV) I am sure this young man is relating to this passage due to a change with his dating situation. I remember those days of young heartache. They are such teaching moments at a young age.

As we get older our heartache changes and matures. It can stem from many things. Lost love, lost faith, lost job, disappointment. The list grows. How do we guard our hearts? How do we recover from heartache?

Prayer. Faith. A relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus is constantly there, listening to the concerns of the heart. Do we allow him in? Do we ask for guidance? Do we acknowledge the healing power outside of ourselves? There is another saying; time is a great healer. I would edit this to say: time with Jesus is a great healer. It can renew a happy heart and help us to smile on the inside and outside again!

More Proverbs?

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