Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 4 - The Wonder of Sunshine

It has been gray, rainy and damp the last 24 hours.  I understand how important it is to nurture the land however a rainy day is also a reminder of how much we enjoy the sunshine.  The energy flows differently on a rainy day.  Did you know people can also possess sunshine?   Think about it.  When was the last time you received an unexpected note, call or visit from a friend?  Did it change the course of your day?  I am preparing for graduation festivities this weekend and this will include a visit by family and friends.  Part of the preparation has included cleaning and painting.  Is my heart ready?  Will I optimize my time with family?

I realized that if I'm obsessing about my own feelings, I'm not present with the people around me—and am frankly of no use to them.”— Jane Lynch

There will be much sunshine in my weekend, will I notice?  I read this quote and it started a tidal wave of thoughts about the weekend.  I hope I take the time to enjoy the company of all of those around me.  My "baby" graduates from high school this weekend.  While this marks the end of one educational era, it also marks the beginning of a new one.  I want to be "present" for each moment and grateful for the experiences this weekend. 

I also pray for all of the graduates and their loved ones.  In the bible we learn about new beginnings:

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (NKJV)
May we all behold the love of Christ and make room in our hearts and minds to be present in the moment and grateful for all of those around us.  Enjoy the sunshine of your weekend.

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